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发布时间:2012-05-29 15:45:37


  The Directive applies to 57 types of equipment for use outdoors, which requires noise emission measurements to be taken and to

  fix labels showing the “guaranteed “ noise levels of each machine. In addition, the Directive sets noise limits for 22 of the 57

  categories, for equipment subject to noise limits the involvement of a notified body will be required.


  Equipment Covered Subject to Noise Limits and Noise Marking

  ●运输货物的施工卷扬机(起燃式引擎驱动)Builders' hoists for the transport of goods (combustion-engine driven)


  Compaction machines (only vibrating and non-vibrating rollers, vibratory plates, and vibratory rammers)


  Compressors (< 350kW)


  Concrete-breakers and picks, hand-held


  Construction winches (combustion-engine driven)


  Dozers (< 500kW)


  Dumpers (< 500kW)


  Excavators, hydraulic or rope-operated (< 500kW)


  Excavator-loaders (< 500kW)


  Graders (< 500kW)


  Hydraulic power packs


  Landfill compactors, loader-type with bucket (< 500kW)


  Lawnmowers (excluding agricultural and forestry equipment, and multi-purpose devices, the main motorised component of which has an installed power of more than 20kW)


  Lawn trimmers/lawn edge trimmers

  ●内燃引擎式驱动的均衡升降车-叉车(额定功率不超过10 公吨的其它均衡升降车除外)

  Lift trucks, combustion-engine driven, counterbalanced (excluding other counterbalanced lift trucks with a rated capacity of not more than 10 tonnes)


  Loaders (< 500kW)


  Mobile cranes


  Motor hoes (< 3kW)

  ●路面修理器(装有高压实样板的里面修理器除外)Paver-finishers (excluding paver-finishers equipped with a high-compaction screed)


  Power generators (< 400kW)


  Tower cranes


  Welding generators

亿博检测高级销售顾问certified engineer


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